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tiguar power gym

Training with a barbell is an excellent way to develop strength and shape our body – not only in the gym!

This is a perfect solution not only for people exercising at home but also for those who participate in group classes because the barbell is smaller, handy and it does not take up much space. Our iconic tiguar power gym barbell with a set of weights and innovative, extremely easy to use clamps, is a way to perform fantastic strength training regardless of the situation.


The barbell – irreplaceable equipment for training

Many people cannot imagine a good workout without exercises with barbells. No wonder! Age or gender of those who exercise do not matter, because training with a barbell increases strength endurance, burns body fat, shapes the body and allows you to feel the incredible power that comes from exercising with free weights.


  • strengthening workout
  • body shaping
  • group classes
  • weight training


  • hight quality
  • ergonomic design
  • hexagonal shape of the plates preventing the barbell from rolling
  • grips on the plates allowing them to be used as independent loads
  • non-slip surface of the barbell and weights
  • the only collars on the market that are so comfortable to use

Innovative tiguar barbells collars

Depending on your level of advancement and the muscle part to which you devote a particular exercise, you can choose the proper load by changing plates on the barbell. Thanks to our innovative clamps, which construction is so easy that you will wonder why no one invented this before – changing the load will take you no more than a few seconds! tiguar clamps work perfectly with our barbell, providing fast, safe and secure plate holding. It was our goal to create clamps which will be better than any other on the market: they cannot scratch the barbell, they have to secure the plates, work easily and intuitively in our hands, moreover they should look attractive – and we achieved the goal.


A choice for years

Our tiguar fitness barbell, which is produced in Poland, is a high quality piece of equipment that will be perfect for training in the gym, at home and during group classes, ensuring years of durability during hundreds of your training sessions. Thanks to the use of handles in the plates, you will be able to use them independently as an additional load during different exercises, which will influence the number of possibilities offered by the choice of barbell for your gym at home and will not let you get bored with this equipment. On the other hand, in the fitness club our barbells will extend their life thanks to comfortable and safe storage on tiguar smart and tiguar brave racks.

available as a set of plates, bar and collars


the set consists of:

  • 2 x 4.5 kg plate – grey
  • 2 x 2.5 kg plate – marine
  • 2 x 1.25 kg plate – purple
  • the barbell weight about 1.6 kg; length 140 cm; diameter: 2.5 cm
  • 2 x collars
  • weight of the whole set


  • the barbell – steel
  • plates – PES/PP filling with cement
  • warranty period: 12 months

During use: Store away from UV rays, organic and inorganic solvents. After use, it is good to wipe the barbell with weights with a wet cloth and put them away in the right place, until they are dry.


  • high quality
  • ergonomic design
  • hexagonal shape of the plates preventing the barbell from rolling
  • grips on the plates allowing them to be used as independent loads
  • no sharp edges
  • non-slip surface of the barbell and weights
  • unique colours
  • the only collars on the market that are so comfortable to use

available as a set of plates, bar and collars


the set consists of:

  • 2 x 4.5 kg plate – grey
  • 2 x 2.5 kg plate – marine
  • 2 x 1.25 kg plate – purple
  • the barbell weight about 1.6 kg; length 140 cm; diameter: 2.5 cm
  • 2 x collars
  • weight of the whole set


  • the barbell – steel
  • plates – PES/PP filling with cement
  • warranty period: 12 months


  • high quality
  • ergonomic design
  • hexagonal shape of the plates preventing the barbell from rolling
  • grips on the plates allowing them to be used as independent loads
  • no sharp edges
  • non-slip surface of the barbell and weights
  • unique colours
  • the only collars on the market that are so comfortable to use

During use: Store away from UV rays, organic and inorganic solvents. After use, it is good to wipe the barbell with weights with a wet cloth and put them away in the right place, until they are dry.

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