the tiguar manifesto. from 2017
We live in a time of the deficit of balance and values, surrounded with patterns that are often deprived of the simplicity and authenticity. Focused on the movement and body care, we forget what is their actual aim and what they should lead to.

The way you look and the kind of physical activity you prefer is not important and should not be subject to assessment. What really matters is how you feel about it and if a given activity works out well for you. Does it make you agile and healthy? Does it make you enjoy your life? First and foremost, does it make you a better and a happier man?
We offer you various paths. We persevere in discovering the new ones. Choose your own path, in tune with yourself. In tune with your body, mind, and heart. Make the most of the present moment in your life. Have the courage to face your weaknesses. Be independent and sturdy in exploring yourself.

Message for our tribe

The world needs your action.
Save it and you will save yourself.
We live in a time of degradation. It touches various areas, both our external and internal world.
However, you can change so much alone. By giving your care outside, making your surroundings grow stronger, you will grow to unimaginable proportions. Look inside you for the feminine energy of yin and let it do good. We are not alone, it’s time to act.

Healthy and proper movement can save your body. So that you would have strength to be smart,
brave and independent.
The world we live in affects our hearts, minds and bodies. You can turn things around and make your heart, mind and body change for the world. Start with the body. By changing it for the better, you will change your thinking. And this will change your life and the lives of others.

New You.
Anything you do with others in mind will bring about strong changes in you. So live consciously in the present, thinking about how this will change our common future and yourself.

Become strong for others. Save yourself and you will save the world.
Be in opposition to breakup. Against the degradation happening before our eyes – be a contrast indicating to what is right.
Work for yourself – to be smart, brave and independent. This will drive others’ actions and become a strong foundation for a change for them. Give voice to your male yang energy and dare to use the strength you have within you. Inspire and motivate. Work.

Derive from the fact that you are created for movement. The world has equipped you with a body that is like a tireless machine ready to face great challenges.
Repay the world by using it to the best you can. By surrounding your body with attention and care, become the driving force of change in your environment.

New You.
Each action has its consequences, so choose the right one for you. To meet your own desires and needs you grow, and others grow with you. Decide on your own growth and watch the world gets back on track.